EXPLORE: through foundational and explorative trauma informed therapies, support group sessions, 1-2-1 personal development planning sessions
EDUCATION: transitional and transferable skills, careers advice, self awareness, paticipative education, life long learning, family learning initiatives, financial literacy,
ELEVATE: Elective and policy planning, family orientated elevation strategies, colllaborative community development
We recognise that experiences form the basis of most of the decisions we make today. We work with you to explore these experiences, and your coping tools.
We have all heard the saying that 'time heals all wounds', whilst we know it is not so simple, but we believe with time and support there is a lot that we can learn. Give yourself time.
Change is hard work and can be scary, but it can be so rewarding and a lot of fun. Going through any trauma first requires an element of change, it can be the first moment you realise you want more for yourself.
As a person centred organisation, we pride ourselves on our innovative and experience led approach to some of the most traumatic events and periods in peoples' lives.
All ages
My Family Organisation provides support to families that are struggling with everyday challenges. We works to strengthen families, reduce conflict, and connect your family to many services that provide ongoing support in your community.
Age 11 upwards
Every woman deserves to feel safe both out in the community and in her home, at My Family innovative programmes work with domestic violence perpetrators and their familes. We also run a dating violence project supporting girls aged for 11-18.
Age 11-18
Our projects aim to reduce and remove barriers to work for young people from the BME community who are NEET and involved in, or at risk of being involved in anti-social and/or criminal activities including violent crimes.
Domestic violence perpetrators and their families supported
Young girls supported out of abusive relationships
Young people supported into sustainable employment and/ or business
Women now taking part in at least 30 minutes of exercise
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